Photos of Tortoises From Zoos, Parks, and Farms
by Dennis M.
I always try to visit zoos, parks and botanical gardens everytime I travel to check if they have tortoises. It's not always easy to look for places that have tortoises. So this section might be helpful and interesting for fellow tortoise hobbyists.
Tortoises in Faunaland, Jakarta Indonesia
Date: Mar 22, 2018
There were two huge Aldabra tortoises in faunaland jakarta but no other tortoise species when we visited in March of 2018.
The address is Ecovention Building - Ecopark, Jalan Lodan Raya, Ancol, Pademangan, RW.10, Ancol, Kec. Pademangan, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14430, Indonesia.

Tortoises in Taipei Zoo, Taiwan
Date: Jan 15, 2017
For tortoise enthusiasts, Taipei Zoo is popular because of a viral video where one Sulcata tortoise accidentally flipped over its back and was helped by his other Sulcata friend to be turned over. Watch the video in this Natgeo link
But besides this, I think Taipei Zoo has very nice indoor and outdoor setups for tortoises. Some of the enclosures look a bit dry in my opinion, but overall they did an excellent job. It also had a lot of tortoise species as well as other reptiles in display. It's always nice to see different ideas in different places and incorporate them in our own setups.
To go to the Taipei Zoo, we just took the MRT Wenshan-Neihu Line and got off at Taipei Zoo Station. Very simple.

Russian Tortoises

This is the Aldabra tortoise enclosure but they were not on display that day

Elongated tortoise

Elongated tortoises and their nice barn. It had heat lamps inside.

Manouria emys joined by Iguanas. Iguanas have the same diet as tortoises.

This is me beside a statue of a tortoise hatchling fresh from its egg

Leopard tortoise butts

Leopard tortoise walking around its enclosure

This is their Leopard tortoise setup

Russian tortoises

Burmese Star Tortoises

Pancake tortoise

Redfoot tortoises

Astrochelys radiata

My favorite species, of course

Happy to see that they also have Radiated tortoises
Tortoises in Indianapolis Zoo
Date: Nov 11, 2016
Though they don't have as many tortoise species, I like Indy zoo because they have a number of my favorite species, Radiated tortoises! I spent 2 years in Indianapolis from 2011 to 2013 when I took my MBA and Technology Management so it was pretty convenient for me to visit the zoo everytime I missed my tortoises back home!
The address of Indianapolis Zoo is 1200 W Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46222, USA in case you want to check it out.

Tortoises in Seoul Zoo, Korea
Date: Mar 20, 2016
When we toured around Korea in 2015, we also passed by Seoul Zoo. Unfortunately, the place didn't have a lot of species of tortoises or even turtles. I was expecting to see at least an Aldabra tortoise because that's what I remember when browsing the internet. But they didn't have any in display. But that's okay, we still enjoyed our visit overall. The place is huge with a lot of animals and landscaped areas!
In case you want to visit Seoul Zoo, we just took the subway to Seoul Grand Park Station (Line 4 Light Blue). We went out via Exit 2 and the entrance is a short walk from there. The entrance is around USD 3 for adults, very cheap.

Sulcata tortoise in Seoul Zoo

Red-Eared Sliders

Snapping Turtles

This is their setup for their Sulcatas. There are no other tortoises around.
Home Zoo, Bangkok Thailand
Date: Feb 19, 2016
We also went to a friend's home zoo in Bangkok, Thailand. This is a different place from Dusit Zoo. I've included a few photos as well.

This turtle is adorable!

Leucistic Ridley Sea Turtle

Tortoises in Dusit Zoo, Bangkok Thailand
Date: Feb 18, 2016
Thailand is one of my favorite countries in Southeast Asia! And of course, we wouldn't miss going to the zoo. Dusit Zoo (Thai: สวนสัตว์ดุสิต) is located at Khao Din Park in Bangkok's Dusit District next to the Parliament House and Dusit Palace. They say it is the oldest zoo of Thailand. It was built by King Chulalongkorn as his private garden adjacent to the royal palace. It's my dream to have a private garden just like this. Even the tortoise section is enough for me!

Adult Sulcata Tortoise walking around the enclosure

This is me with another Sulcata

Elongated tortoises hiding under dried leaves

Huge Manouria emys phayrei!

The nearest one and the smallest one I can carry

Indian Star tortoise

Beautiful G hamiltonii turtles

Good idea for a simple tortoise shed

Huge Sulcata tortoise taking a siesta (nap)

The most-awaited zone! I can spend the whole day here

This is the entrance to the reptile section

Elongated tortoise

Aldabra tortoise
Congo Charlie Farm, Bulcan Philippines
Date: Oct 17, 2015
Awesome place!! If I just had the resources, I'd build something like this and live here forever! This place represents the ultimate goal of any reptile hobbyist.

With the famous Aldabra Tortoise, Dagul of Congo Charlie

Group photo with Melvin and Dagul of Congo Charlie, February 2017
Live Turtle and Tortoise Museum, Singapore
Date: Nov 10, 2014
I've been hearing about this place since I started the hobby in 1999. It was only in 2014 that I was able to visit Singapore for the very first time. I enjoyed my tour around the country, but this place was absolutely special! I heard it will close down in a few years as it will move to another location. I'm glad I was able to visit the place and took as much photos as I could. The place is an inspiration to Soda's Tortoise Garden, like many other places and facilities that house tortoises.

According to one staff, this Aldabra is about 3 years old.
Tortoises in Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Date: Feb 17, 2010
The Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens is the oldest park in the territory. Built in 1860 and partially opened in 1864, they were completed in 1871. I didn't expect too much of this place. But they do have quite a number of tortoises. There were huge Sulcatas, a number of Radiated tortoises, one Redfoot, and a lot of Red Eared sliders too.
The nearest MTR stations are the Central Station and Admiralty station but it would still take 15-20 minutes to walk to the garden from either station.

Tortoises in Avilon Zoo, Rizal Philippines
Date: Feb 16, 2010
Last time I went to Avilon was back in 2005 and 2008. So all these photos of tortoises in Avilon Zoo were taken more than a decade ago.

Tortoises in Toronto Zoo, Canada
Date: Feb 8, 2010
Photos taken back in 1991 when we travelled to Canada.
(More to be added)

Tortoises in the Philippines, Various Places
Date: Feb 1, 2010
Here are some awesome pictures that I personally shot but the tortoises are are not mine. How I wish they were!
More photos Coming Soon

My first encounter with a high yellow Radiata. This is the best high yellow I've ever seen! I regret not buying it back then.
Photo with Dagul, the Aldabra tortoise in Congo Charlie, Bulacan!
On this page: (12)
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Soda's Tortoise Garden is a private tortoise breeding facility that is accredited by DENR and BAI (Bureau of Animal Industry) located in Metro Manila, Philippines. We don't have a physical shop but you may coordinate with us via our Facebook page. Be sure to follow our page for our latest posts and stories. Learn More
Our first TV appearance at "Rise & Shine Pilipinas" by PTV 4.
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