Tortoise Memes and Video Memes

Featuring some of our very own tortoise memes. We created them to spread good vibes and to show that taking care of tortoises isn't boring at all. Feel free to share and use our memes.

Tortoise Video Memes

All memes created by

If only it were this easy

Turtles with a Sense of Humor

Tortoise memes for fun

tortoise meme

Tortoise Problems

tortoise meme

Guilty or Innocent

tortoise meme

The Profound Tortoise

tortoise meme

This tortoise is definitely not happy

turtle memes

Trying to blend in

tortoise meme

Tortoise Identity Crisis

About Us

Soda's Tortoise Garden is a private tortoise breeding facility that is accredited by DENR and BAI (Bureau of Animal Industry) located in Metro Manila, Philippines. We don't have a physical shop but you may coordinate with us via our Facebook page. Be sure to follow our page for our latest posts and stories. Learn More

Our first TV appearance at "Rise & Shine Pilipinas" by PTV 4.

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