Our Collection of Tortoise Replicas and Figurines
by Dennis M.
Here are some of our tortoise replicas, figurines bought from different countries and a few of our preserved tortoises as well.
Spot the Difference
Date: Mar 30, 2010
These tortoise replicas look like the real thing! I've added real (live) tortoises in the below photos. Try to spot which are replicas and which are not. In some photos it's obvious! But in some, you'll have to take a second look. Enjoy!
Some tortoises below are actually preserved tortoises that had unfortunately passed away. A pet's death always causes tremendous sadness. It's so difficult to accept the fact that they're gone. Thanks to our vet, we were able to keep our dear torts by having them preserved.
Can you spot them below? In the next 2 photos, there are 2 preserved torts! You can try. I know it's difficult to differenciate the real tortoise, preserved tortoise and the tortoise replicas!

Our Collection of Tortoise Replicas
Date: Mar 27, 2010
Below are some tortoise figurines from my personal collection. These are all high-quality, hand painted replicas made of high grade polyresin. These replicas are very detailed and weigh similar to the real thing.
The details are just incredible - shape of the shell, the lines of each scute in the carapace, plastron, texture of the scales in the legs and head, the shape of the beak, tail, eyes. I don't even have to comment about the true-to-life colors as you can see from the photos below.
Tags: Tortoise Replica, Species, Radiated tortoise, Leopard tortoise, Redfoot tortoise, Yniphora (Ploughshare tortoise), Star tortoise, Sulcata tortoise

Tortoise Replicas Versus Real Tortoises
Date: Mar 24, 2010
Even my tortoises are not sure whether they're real or not.
More photos in my Facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/sodatort

Preserved Tortoises and Tortoise Figurines
Date: Feb 27, 2010
As mentioned earlier, I have some tortoises that are were preserved by my vet. Here are a few below. Some are beside the replicas so it might not be obvious. I've also included some of my old collection of tortoise figurines bought from China, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong, and Philippines.

High Quality Tortoise Replicas
Date: Jun 6, 2009
These tortoise figurines are all works of art and the details are just amazing. I wouldn't be surprised if they suddenly move, walk and eat. They look so alive. These are made of very high quality polyresin and hand painted. These can be used as paper weight because they are so heavy.

About Us
Soda's Tortoise Garden is a private tortoise breeding facility that is accredited by DENR and BAI (Bureau of Animal Industry) located in Metro Manila, Philippines. We don't have a physical shop but you may coordinate with us via our Facebook page. Be sure to follow our page for our latest posts and stories. Learn More
Our first TV appearance at "Rise & Shine Pilipinas" by PTV 4.
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